Wallet is user friendly application for tracking your income and expenses. It’s designed for real everyday needs. Excels at secure data handling. Your data are maintainable on multiple devices. It helps you to make good financial decision.Pay attention please.
It’s highly recommended to make SD card BACKUP before installing this (and any future) update.
Those few seconds invested in backup will make us all relaxed and sleep better.
What's New
- Add automatic SD card backup (compressed and crypted)
- Add Google Play billing
- Add synchronization log
Improve synchronization quality and speed
- - Add daily reminder
Change date time formatting to native formatter
Add german language
- Add vietnamese language
- Fix few bugs
Fresh new Features:
Main navigation easily accesible by swiping from left edge of the phone to right.
Enhanced graphic interface and more simple navigation through features.
Handy records filters and other features made to your orders.
Synchronisation within your devices.