The application speeds up your phone as well as tablets and prevents battery drain resolving memory issues. Also provide memory level status in percentage as well in size in notification bar.
- Memory Booster (One-tap Quick Boost): Boost memory, enhance speed, regain free storage, clean junk files.
- Task killer: Display all the running apps with detailed memory, icon, update time, size. Kill the task.
- Cache cleaner: Clean the cache for all running processes.
- Garbage collector: Clean the garbage data (memory) for all running processes.
- Memory Info (RAM, Internal Memory): Total Memory, Free Memory, Used Memory.
- System Information: CPU Info, Device Info, JVM Info, Memory Details, Network Info, Platform Info, Sensor Info, SIM Info.
- Settings: Customize color theme for used memory as well as free memory. Customize display unit for memory in Percentage (%) or Size (MB).
What's New:
- Fixed some errors and bugs
- Improvements