An easy-to-use yet highly functional app that helps you manage your loans and debts.
Main features:
- Manage loans in the form of both money and items.
- Color-code each type of transaction: loan, debt and payment.
- Quickly create a pay-back transaction for any loan or debt.
- Create password to protect information.
- Backup and restore data using Skydrive.
- Fast switch between two views on the summary screen: one emphasizes money, the other emphasizes items.
- Mark loans as paid to get old loans out of the way.
- Display full history of all loans and debts.
- Display how many days or months have passed since the loans, so that you have motivation to try to get them back.
- Sort loans by name, date or amount.
- Specify your own currency symbol, positive and negative number formats, and number of decimal digits.
- Support names from contact book or manually entered. Display contact's photo if using address book.
- Automatically change theme (light/dark) to match the system's theme.