Stay connected and share life as it happens. Google+ aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Check out Circles, Events and Hangouts, just a few of the things we've been working on.
Whether it's a simple note or a special photograph, share life's important moments with just the right people. You can even make a video call with up to 10 friends at once.
Learn from experts, see what interesting people have to say, and take part in communities focused on your interests and activities.
Access up-to-date contacts all across Google, get recommendations from people you trust in Search, YouTube and Maps, and more.
What's New
- Several stability improvements and bug fixes
Enjoy magazine style layout in the new tablet version
Automatically share photos to an Event with Party Mode
Video chat with up to 9 friends with mobile Hangouts
Turn on Instant Upload to sync photos from your phone to a private Google+ album
Check out the What’s Hot stream to see trending topics
View the Nearby stream to see what people near your location are saying