Gives you better browsing experience & connects you with the world.
Share the interesting content with your friends and the whole world via popular social network, include Twitter, and Connect people with same interest.
Comment on web pages you are visiting. You also can find out who is viewing at the same time.
Daily most popular web pages, keep you up to date with the world. Discover what others are enjoying.
Find out what your friends is viewing and sharing, discover your friends' interest.
What's New
- Dolphin Jetpack 6.1.0 integration on Android 4.3 and 4.4 devices
- Better flash playing experience; How to play flash in Dolphin
- Better fullscreen experience for HTML5 videos
- Auto-fit web content when pinch to zoom under desktop mode
More features to improve your experience for your mobile browser. Smart address bar, RSS detection and subscription. Save link and read it later.
Dolphin always know what you want.
Less input but more accurate search result. Auto complete while your are typing. Suggestions are not only from bookmark and history but also from Delicious, Dolphin's most popular sites list and etc. Integrate Google search with address bar.
Dolphin looks for RSS feeds on every webpage you visit. When dolphin finds available feeds, the Feeds button will be shown. click notification or menu button, then subscript it with Google Reader.
Allows you to save link of interest to read later. It eliminates cluttering of bookmarks with sites that are merely of a one-time interest.
Auto sync local bookmark with your Google. Access your favorites from your mobile phone and PC.
Less operation step. It really save your time and provide more smooth mobile web surfing experience.
Slide to switch between windows.More top level menu button, all common actions can be found at the first level.
Integrate all sites list into start page, allow you to access site just by click.
Swap on the screen directly to switch between windows. add "close all" and "close others" options.
Google popular services include link of web services and mobile apps. quick access by click without input address.