Sorry, This App is not compatible with Videocon V1543.
The BeeTagg Code (or simply BeeTagg) is the most popular non-standard 2D-Code app for Mobile Tagging. It has been designed and optimized for Mobile Tagging (i.e. detectability, security and marketing aspects).
Scanning a BeeTagg Code is easy: Download the BeeTagg Multicode Reader and install it. Start the reader, point the camera at the BeeTagg - and shoot!
The BeeTagg Code is the ideal code for all marketing and security related Mobile Tagging applications!
* Robust detection.
* Unproblematic handling, less pitfalls.
* Easy communication: code issuer and intension are visually known before scanning.
* Great for applications that need a security layer (data transfer can be encrypted) like contests, votings, polls, ticketing, couponing.
Because the BeeTagg Code has been optimized for Mobile Tagging there are fewer pitfalls than with QR Codes or Datamatrix codes. But there are still some things you have to keep in mind when using the BeeTagg Code.
Whitespace / Quitezone: No whitespace / quitezone is needed. Just the black border. Anyway, we recommend not to remove the white border.
Color: You should always use black and white. By design, detectability is easier and more robust than with QR Codes or Datamatrix. Therefore you can play a bit with the colors - just don't push it too hard ;)
Logo: The design of the BeeTagg Code allows to put a logo in the middle (see "Formats" above). Just be careful not to overlap the honeycombs (black AND white dots).
Size: That's easy with the BeeTagg Code. It shouldn't be smaller than 2cm (black border). Many phones can detect the code even when the size is 1cm. But keep in mind: it's the weakest phone that decides how big the code should be.